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Our Schedule

Our Schedule

8:25 – 8:45 - Morning Routines

8:45 – 9:00 - Morning Meeting

9:00 – 10:00 - Math

10:00 – 10:20 - Read Aloud

10:20 –10:40 - Snack and Bathroom

10:40-11:00 - Heggerty

11:00– 12:15 - ELA and Intervention

12:15 –12:45 - LUNCH

12:45 – 12:55 - Handwriting/Writing/Grammar

1:00 - 1:40 SPECIAL (switches every 30 days. 

1.Art 2. Music 3. PE 4. SEL 5. Library 6. STEM

1:40 - 2:10 - Handwriting/Writing/Grammar

2:10 - 2:40 - Science

2:40 – 3:00 - Recess

3:00 – 3:15 - Independent Reading and Finish Up Time
